To ensure the best care possible for your pet, please take the time to complete this form so we have as much information as possible. PAH will use this information to prepare a boarding check in form for you to sign when you bring in your pet. When done, click submit to send the form information to us.

Your Information
Emergency Contact
Pet Information
If you have more than one pet, you'll have the opportunity to add them after this form is submitted.

All items MUST be labeled with client’s last name in permanent marker. We are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items and do not guarantee the return of any personal belongings.

In the case of major medical concerns or illness we will attempt to contact you or your emergency contact at the number listed above as soon as possible. In the event that medical care is needed for your pet, please give us guidance on how you would like us to proceed (choose one):

With the above authorization we will treat your pet for minor medical concerns WITHOUT contacting you.

reCAPTCHA is required.
Pleasantville Animal Hospital

10 Marble Ave
Thornwood, NY 10594

Tel. 914-769-3700


  • Monday-Friday: 8am – 5:30pm
  • Saturday: 8am – 1:00pm